

 Dikutip dari Wikipedia " Plagiarisme atau sering disebut plagiat adalah penjiplakan atau pengambilan karangan, pendapat, dan sebagainya dari orang lain dan menjadikannya seolah karangan dan pendapat sendiri." Dari pengertiannya dapat disimpulkan bahwa plagiarisme adalah kegiatan meniru hasil karya orang lain. Kenapa sih hal itu bisa terjadi?    Dalam dunia jurnalistik sering kali kita melihat beberapa berita yang isinya sama tetapi dengan sumber yang berbeda-beda. Hal itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan karena plagiarisme.  Tetapi apakah para pelaku mendapat hukuman atas kejahatannya tersebut? Sepertinya kasus pencurian karya seperti ini belum mendapat perhatian yang layak karena merajalelanya sang plagiarisme dapat ditemukan dalam dunia akademik maupun jurnalistik. Mungkin ramai dibicarakan tapi hanya sesaat, setelah itu hilang dan dan orang-orang pun melupakannya. Hal itulah yang membuat para pelaku dengan mudahnya lolos dan terus merajalela. Dikutip dari www.telum...

Kepariwisataan 2 - Assignment

Connected Speech   What connected speech is "English people speak so fast" is a complaint I often hear from my students, and often from those at an advanced level, where ignorance of the vocabulary used is not the reason for their lack of comprehension. When students see a spoken sentence in its written form, they have no trouble comprehending. Why is this? The reason, it seems, is that speech is a continuous stream of sounds, without clear-cut borderlines between each word. In spoken discourse, we adapt our pronunciation to our audience and articulate with maximal economy of movement rather than maximal clarity. Thus, certain words are lost, and certain phonemes linked together as we attempt to get our message across.   How this affects native and non-native speaker As native speakers, we have various devices for dealing with indistinct utterances caused by connected speech. We take account of the context, we assume we hear words with which we are familiar wit...

Bad Effect of Plastic for Our Environment

10 Basic Persuasion Techniques

1. Association. This persuasion technique tries to link a product, service, or idea with something already liked or desired by the target audience, such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy, success, wealth, etc. The media message doesn’t make explicit claims that you’ll get these things; the association is implied. Association can be a very powerful technique.  A good ad can create a strong emotional response and then associate that feeling with a brand (family = Coke, victory = Nike).  This process is known as emotional transfer.  Several of the persuasion techniques below, like Beautiful people, Warm & fuzzy, Symbols and Nostalgia, are specific types of association.  2. Bandwagon.  Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that "everyone is doing it" (or at least, "all the cool people are doing it")....