
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hello everyone! welcome to my blog, this is my first post on this blog, so please allow me to introduce myself, because there will be no affection if there is no introduction.

My name is Melati Dara Utami, you can call me melati or... dara?, it's up to you.
I was born on February 6, 2000 in Purwakarta, West Java.
My hobbies are reading a book, listening to music, singing, and shopping.

This blog was created because I got an assignment from my beloved campus, Gunadarma University that required me to write it all, but I'm happy to get this assignment because with that I can practice my writing skills.

By the way, I'm a little interested in writing, like novels or fiction.
The beginning because I used to read online stories, wattpad, and almost all the stories I read can make me addicted to reading them again and again. from there I was compelled to make a story, but until now I haven't started anything because of the many college assignments I have to do.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb


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